

Ìyá Simone Arthur is an initiated Ifá priestess who brings traditional spiritual ritual and wellness into our modern lives. She serves people all over the globe to connect them with their Ancestors, transitioned loved ones, and their higher purpose.
With more than 15 years being led by God, spirit, and her Ancestors – Simone creates safe places with care and intention – guiding others to deepen their ancestral connections and experience healing and spirituality in community.
In addition to her readings, talks, and courses; in 2022 she birthed a visionary ritual space where she could grow her impact to serve and connect people on a larger scale and in a more hands-on way.
Thus the annual remembering of Sacred Conversations With Our Ancestors was born.
You can follow Ìyá Simone on Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn for her conversations with others about mental health, career, spirituality, sexual wellness, and more.

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