Spiritual & Intuitive



Spiritual & Intuitive Readings

During individual intuitive readings Simone connects with spirits who have messages to share, including your ancestors and spirit guides, to offer guidance and clarity.


Spiritual & Intuitive Readings

During couples’ intuitive readings Simone connects with spirits drawn to either one of you and or both, answering your questions and divining what you need to know.

Ideal for couples seeking spiritual intervention to rebuild and strengthen their relationship. Couples are defined as married, common-in-law, same sex, heterosexual, legally separated, engaged or committed relationship.


Spiritual & Intuitive Readings

Intuitive family readings are ideal for those seeking balance, direction or a deeper understanding of a complex family dynamic. Simone taps into the spirit realm to offer the guidance and clarity you need.

Career Development

Spiritual & Intuitive Readings

Offering spiritual guidance in career development whether that is creating a new career path or restructuring your current career.

Small Business

Spiritual & Intuitive Readings

Spiritual business consultation is the best option for business owners seeking spiritual direction in growing their business, seeking clarity on next steps and spiritual guidance on business partnerships.

Small business is a privately owned corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship with less than 100 employees. Companies bigger must contact Simone for quote.

Dream Consultation

Spiritual & Intuitive Readings

Spiritual business consultation is the best option for business owners seeking spiritual direction in growing their business, seeking clarity on next steps and spiritual guidance on business partnerships.

Small business is a privately owned corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship with less than 100 employees. Companies bigger must contact Simone for quote.

Help Desk

Spiritual & Intuitive

These short, 30 minute, sessions are best used as follow-up sessions for clients with a specific question or acute need for guidance.

Common themes from the help desk include… questions about candle smog, animal appearances
/ significations, advice for a specific bath or ritual.

These sessions are limited in time so to get them most from them clients should have an understanding of the type of guidance they are seeking.

“Simone has done a few of my readings and I’m pleased every time
because I leave with insight and a few gaps are filled. She has clear communication regarding and divine wisdom to say the least.”



What is a clairvoyant?

A clairvoyant is someone who uses the ability of the third eye, sixth chakra or sixth sense to “see” energy in the form of colors, pictures,
images, light and movement.

Clairvoyants also use the five senses of the body (touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing), and have their methods to receive messages
from spirit as well.

A medium is someone who can detect and communicate with spirit or the ancestors. Mediums are also clairvoyant and have the gift of sight, but clairvoyants cannot commune with spirit the way mediums can.

An intuitive reading is a session where a spiritualist or medium reads the energy of a person to help them achieve spiritual wellness, unlock their highest potential and divine their life’s purpose.

The best way to tell if an intuitive reader is real is to study them. Do your research, look at their client testimonials to get a feel for how they work and reach out to them to see if you’re a good fit for each other. Trust your intuition.

Also, practiced intuitive readers typically begin sessions by describing things they ”see” about you without being prompted.

During an intuitive reading, the spiritualist will connect with your ancestors and spirit guides on your behalf. Depending on what you need and what you want out of the session, you may release blocked energy and past trauma or work through a current hardship.

Whatever the specifics of your journey are, the reading should provide clarity, guidance and inspiration.

During an intuitive reading you may feel emotional, reflective, inspired and connected to your higher self. The way your experience unfolds will be completely unique to you, especially if you let spirit take the lead and you open yourself up to what there is to see.

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