our testimonials

Simone has done a few of my readings and I'm pleased every time because I leave with insight and a few gaps are filled. She has clear communication regarding and divine wisdom to say the least.

"thank you for bringing her to me"

Lawd Simone, where do I start? I am grateful to have cross paths with you.  Do you remember the first day we spoke? I felt like my mind was so clouded and I was in a difficult place on so many levels. In that first moment, it was you that made me aware that I already had a connection with my ancestors. Having the knowledge that I have now, I may have always had this connection, but I doubted it.

The Spirituality and Your Ancestors course is a definitely a whole vibe. Simone helped me navigate through my spirituality efficiently and this connection that I spoke about is definitely stronger with my ancestors. I received clarity on a lot of things, thanks to Simone.  What I thought were just ideas or floating thoughts are actually conversations now. Dreams are no longer only for rest, but also a time for clarity and guidance. Simone, I still have some work to do, but because of you, I’m finally on the right path. My grandmother says, “gracias por traerla a mi”, which literally means thank you for bringing her to me.  Essentially, it was this course and you that strengthen this bond we have to each other now.

I can’t find the words to succinctly express the value of this course! Being an educator and one who has trained teachers, I automatically assess whether ones’ teaching is effective. From the first class, I inwardly praised Simone’s course design, teaching style, in-session activities, practical wisdom and supplemental material. Each week you get digestible morsels of life-changing sustenance for your journey. I don’t have the words to express my gratitude and how quickly my life and worldview shifted. I couldn’t get the same experience from a book or a group class. This one-on-one course was literally just what I needed and I will always consider her and this class an integral part of my journey.

Hi Simone, gave my son the bath last night, he didn’t want to get out, he loved it. He said it was so relaxing he wants to have it every weekend. It was like a weight was lifted off of him when he sat in it. At first he was hesitant, then he didn’t get out until the water was lukewarm.

I would like to thank you for everything. I thank you for being obedient and so thankful for my ancestors. Everything you said was in alignment with what I felt and knew. However, I needed you to guide me. Thank you for reminding me that I have loved ones with me that have crossed over. I forget that, and need to pay attention to them and what they are trying to show/tell me. I would give you the biggest hug ever if I could.

With love Kenya

Last night towards the end of the bath I felt my heart expanding. I feel lighter and lifted, like I am carrying the lessons without the weight.  Thank you so much for the gift of uplifting vibrations. By the way, my body tingled the entire time! Such powerful medicine.

One of the BEST and DEEPEST readings I have EVER truly had!!  It still blows my mind when I meditate upon the messages that you divinely delivered to me.  Things are unfolding as you said and I’m forever grateful beautiful Queen!!!

"You are absolute light. Continue to be uniquely you. I'm forever grateful."

Thank you, I owe so much to you and I am eternally grateful . You will come and bless my home when I purchase it and will always be welcomed. I’m still going to get readings and all the tools that you gave me I have put into action.

Please consider speaking with this wonderful woman. I did and she has satisfied my heart and soul.  Thank you again Simone for my wonderful reading. The energy I felt from you as you spoke to my ancestor(s) was something I never experienced before. You were patient, kind and loving. The information and knowledge I gained was priceless. I will listen and OBEY! I look forward to experiencing another session with you. Continued to remain blessed!

Simone has been doing readings for me for about 10 years now and she has always been spot on.  She’s careful, sensitive, and very discreet. Even when there’s bad news pending or a stern reproach from the Ancestors and Spirit Guides, Simone delivers the messages with warmth, tenderness and compassion. She’s careful to follow up with her clients in the days follow the consultation to clarify any messages or instructions or simply to check on their emotional well-being. Simone is gifted and wise and will always be my go-to-seer. I am deeply grateful to her and her generosity over the years. – Mimi

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